1.   But social affairs ministries have been dominated by descendants of Muhammad bin Abd al-Wahab, and they seek to advance his austere teachings.

2.   The new ministries would include a general affairs ministry, an industry ministry and a national land maintenance ministry that would supervise public work projects.

3.   Bones excavated at the roadway dig are put in earthenware jars and handed over to the religious affairs ministry for reburial.

4.   Chiluba also moved Lt. Gen. Christon Tembo from tourism to the foreign ministry, replacing ailing Remmy Mushota, who shifted to the legal affairs ministry.

5.   Copies of the checks were leaked to the press last year as proof that Perez had the money transferred to the presidential affairs ministry.

6.   Four people were killed, including Tayal Furej, the director of the Palestinian religious affairs ministry.

7.   He added that the organizer failed to show a reference from the internal affairs ministry.

8.   Local newspapers, quoting various government sources, said the expected Cabinet shakeup would affect seven or eight posts mostly in economic and social affairs ministries.

9.   Netanyahu held back several key portfolios, including the foreign ministry, housing ministry and religious affairs ministry until he could work out a compromise.

10.   Nana Zenani, spokeswoman for the agriculture and land affairs ministry said the move was for the best.

n. + ministry >>共 174
defence 15.58%
defense 14.24%
finance 13.04%
health 7.49%
justice 7.04%
government 6.33%
transport 2.60%
education 2.58%
agriculture 2.49%
information 2.27%
affair 1.42%
affair + n. >>共 131
minister 20.92%
ministry 7.16%
department 5.15%
committee 4.47%
office 3.91%
program 3.24%
officer 3.24%
spokesman 3.13%
director 3.13%
official 2.80%
每页显示:    共 64