1.   Although opera officials saw an advance screening, they were allowed to change only details that were factually incorrect.

2.   Advance sermon screenings often fall to spouses.

3.   For Michael Casavantes, the answer was clear after an advance screening of the film this week.

4.   Gantt and his family saw the movie earlier this week, at a special advance screening.

5.   It seems like a good time to mention that season-preview TV stories like this one are largely based on advance screenings of new series pilots.

6.   Liggitt said she and a group of other players had attended an advance screening of the film in New York at which film posters with hidden clues were distributed.

7.   Many bootleg videos are surreptitiously copied with camcorders smuggled into advance screenings.

8.   She heard the music during the summer, then had a private advance screening of the movie before committing to that program.

9.   There have been no advance screenings of the heavily promoted film for most journalists.

10.   To select movies for each monthly show, Tennis attends advance screenings and picks five movies likely to last a month in theaters.

n. + screening >>共 150
cancer 13.38%
security 5.74%
test 5.16%
film 4.97%
health 4.59%
preview 3.63%
drug 3.63%
advance 2.87%
breast 2.87%
airport 2.68%
advance + n. >>共 281
notice 10.32%
team 9.24%
copy 6.76%
warning 5.98%
party 5.58%
knowledge 3.33%
sale 2.82%
payment 2.76%
purchase 2.14%
unit 1.86%
screening 0.85%
每页显示:    共 15