1.   The college admits students anytime during the year.

2.   On the basis of several commendatory letters from his teachers, the student was admitted to the advanced studies program.

3.   Behind the desk sits MRS. HIGGINS, in charge of admitting new students to Benjamin Harrison High School.

4.   Research students are admitted initially as supervised postgraduates and take a course of study tailored to their individual needs and experience.

5.   Mature students are admitted to individual faculties with a wide range of qualifications depending on their background and experience.

6.   Students are admitted into a faculty to study for a particular degree.

7.   Although the college had been admitting female students in recent years, its outward appearance still succeeded in impressing the visitor with its austere and indefinably masculine grandeur.

8.   Students shall be admitted to the laboratory or department under the charge of the professor, upon such conditions as Council shall from time to time by decree determine.

9.   The governing body announced its intention last year to admit male students because of a drop in admissions from women.

v. + student >>共 1011
kill 2.55%
arrest 2.40%
injure 2.14%
help 1.98%
attract 1.77%
teach 1.76%
include 1.74%
take 1.46%
send 1.44%
prepare 1.37%
admit 1.19%
admit + n. >>共 640
wrongdoing 8.44%
guilt 5.29%
defeat 4.19%
mistake 4.15%
responsibility 3.70%
student 2.95%
woman 2.60%
involvement 2.37%
patient 2.08%
people 1.82%
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