1.   Black and Hispanic enrollment plummeted when the University of California and the University of Texas ended admission preferences.

2.   Advocates of affirmative action praised the findings as proof that those who were given admission preferences have careers similar to those who were not.

3.   Graglia said recently that Hispanics and blacks could not compete academically with whites and that admission preferences were being used because minorities underperform on standardized tests.

4.   The political credentials of most students at Tehran University were regarded as impeccable, because the institution gives admissions preference to the offspring of loyal revolutionaries.

5.   Today, all universities in both states are struggling for ways to keep minority students applying and admitted without offering them admission preferences.

6.   You may recall that Morales was quick to dismantle admissions preferences for minorities at Texas universities while Sanchez, as a University of Texas regent, defended them.

7.   A judge issued a temporary restraining order Friday to stop the University of California from ending programs giving admission preferences to women and minorities.

n. + preference >>共 138
trade 14.43%
consumer 9.11%
gender 4.56%
voter 4.05%
food 3.80%
tax 3.29%
customer 2.78%
admission 1.77%
minority 1.77%
taste 1.77%
admission + n. >>共 142
policy 10.65%
fee 8.54%
officer 8.45%
process 6.80%
standard 5.60%
office 4.68%
charge 4.41%
price 4.22%
requirement 3.31%
official 3.12%
preference 0.64%
每页显示:    共 7