1.   But I keep wondering when the administration will shut down those Web sites.

2.   The hearing was delayed indefinitely after the budget standoff with the Clinton administration shut down parts of the government and tied Congress in knots.

3.   The United States was a leader in renewable alternative fuels, Kerry noted, until the Reagan administration shut down a Colorado research center.

4.   While the administration did not shut the door to future talks, no future meetings were scheduled, as has been the case in the past.

5.   Shortly before Bush took office, his spokesman refused to address whether the new Republican administration would shut down government research on the stem cells of discarded human embryos.

6.   The Clinton administration is shutting down a new kind of corporate tax shelter, continuing attacks on tax schemes the government contends are costing it billions in lost revenue.

7.   The Bush administration shut down an international Somali-based banking system in November, accusing it of funneling money for terrorism.

8.   Senators are concerned that the administration will shut them out of the process and hope to foist NATO enlargement on them at the last minute, congressional aides said.

9.   The local administration shut schools in the area as a precautionary measure, the report said.

10.   The mayor warned that if the time limit was not honored, the administration would shut down the place and hold Megawati responsible for all the consequences.

n. + shut >>共 487
government 6.55%
authority 5.53%
police 4.88%
strike 3.93%
door 3.78%
official 3.13%
company 2.98%
slam 1.31%
system 1.09%
eye 1.09%
administration 0.87%
administration + v. >>共 791
be 7.82%
say 5.67%
have 3.46%
take 2.29%
want 2.24%
try 1.81%
make 1.59%
seek 1.59%
oppose 1.53%
consider 1.45%
shut 0.07%
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