1.   Bond is particularly proud that protection from the IRS was specifically included in the enforcement fairness legislation despite administration opposition.

2.   Cheney met with California Republicans this week and reiterated the administrations rigid opposition to price caps.

3.   Dole at the time also was advocating affirmative action policies in the face of Reagan administration opposition.

4.   Next month a new law passed over administration opposition will restore licensing authority to the State Department.

5.   Pelletreau expressed administration opposition to legislation that would expand the embargo to bar any foreign company that does business with Iran from also doing business with U.S. firms.

6.   The legislation has been approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee and has bipartisan support in both the House and Senate despite strong administration opposition.

7.   Those differences, plus administration opposition to provisions helping the mining, ranching and oil industries, seem unlikely to be resolved until next month.

8.   White House budget chief Jack Lew repeated administration opposition to the GOP plan.

n. + opposition >>共 169
right-wing 16.23%
center-right 9.50%
government 4.82%
community 4.53%
anti-taliban 4.24%
face 3.65%
left-wing 3.65%
party 2.78%
neighborhood 2.19%
labor 1.61%
administration 1.17%
administration + n. >>共 511
official 67.91%
policy 2.58%
building 1.59%
proposal 1.47%
plan 1.24%
effort 1.01%
source 0.88%
office 0.74%
aide 0.68%
spokesman 0.61%
opposition 0.11%
每页显示:    共 8