1.   Adequate resources and funding, both sadly lacking at present, are also vital.

2.   Some students are without adequate financial resources to attend college.

3.   However, seeing these are carried out satisfactorily and that adequate resources are made available for doing so, is the responsibility of the Head Area Staff.

4.   Union members had turned out in such numbers because they were angry at the way in which they had to deliver services to the public without adequate resources.

5.   Unfortunately yet again the servicer has been denied the adequate resources available to implement decent care.

6.   .Without adequate financial resources, the nation cannot wage a war, protect against terrorist attacks and meet the health care and education needs of its citizens.

7.   Adequate resources must be provided for the International Monetary Fund.

8.   But donation, while sometimes good in the short term, transfers disposal responsibility to organizations that do not have adequate resources, some critics say.

9.   But neither can succeed without adequate resources.

10.   Cash or property bonds are commonly used when a defendant has adequate resources.

a. + resource >>共 751
financial 7.31%
human 5.72%
limited 5.16%
scarce 3.17%
available 3.13%
mineral 2.37%
valuable 1.91%
additional 1.71%
vast 1.62%
national 1.31%
adequate 0.98%
adequate + n. >>共 690
supply 5.27%
protection 3.70%
security 2.77%
care 2.10%
food 1.80%
resource 1.47%
time 1.43%
safeguard 1.37%
facility 1.20%
support 1.17%
每页显示:    共 44