1.   Stir in enough additional flour to make soft dough.

2.   Beat in additional flour until soft dough is formed.

3.   Add additional flour and knead lightly until the stickiness is gone and dough can be handled easily by hand.

4.   After she gathered the dough in her hands, McConnell gave it a quick kneading with no additional flour.

5.   If the dough is too sticky, knead in additional flour.

6.   If necessary knead in additional flour to make dough easy to handle.

7.   Knead, adding additional flour a little at a time, until you have a smooth, elastic dough.

8.   Knead in additional flour for easier handling if necessary.

9.   Knead until the dough is smooth and elastic, using as little additional flour as possible.

10.   Place the dough on a floured board, and knead for several minutes, adding only enough additional flour to keep dough from sticking.

a. + flour >>共 126
together 18.08%
remaining 9.04%
all-purpose 6.78%
white 5.84%
seasoned 5.65%
excess 4.71%
sifted 4.14%
whole-wheat 4.14%
additional 2.07%
carrying 1.69%
additional + n. >>共 1347
information 2.66%
money 2.31%
charge 2.11%
detail 1.67%
fund 1.53%
cost 1.48%
security 1.22%
troop 0.94%
test 0.90%
revenue 0.88%
flour 0.06%
每页显示:    共 11