1.   Cream fat and sugar until light and fluffy, add egg and mix in.

2.   Gradually add the egg, beating well after each inclusion, until the mixture is shiny and of piping consistency.

3.   Mix the flour and butter, then add the eggs.

4.   Add the eggs and then stir in the sugar and dried fruit.

5.   Now add eggs to the mixture.

6.   Cream the butter and sugar, and then add the eggs.

7.   Alternately sift in the rest of the dry ingredients while adding the eggs, one by one, and mixing well.

8.   Aside from adding eggs to the ricotta, and using pecorino Romano rather than Parmigiano-Reggiano, her recipe seemed to be the usual.

9.   Add egg and beat well.

10.   Add egg to pan and tilt pan to spread it into a thin sheet.

v. + egg >>共 413
lay 7.86%
lie 7.22%
add 6.98%
beat 4.56%
fertilize 3.27%
throw 3.27%
whisk 2.14%
eat 1.94%
use 1.94%
produce 1.81%
add + n. >>共 1277
water 1.80%
run 1.20%
goal 1.15%
oil 1.04%
sugar 0.96%
assist 0.93%
voice 0.90%
name 0.86%
job 0.83%
salt 0.83%
egg 0.78%
每页显示:    共 172