1.   Consider Britain, where Tesco, a supermarket chain, is now the brand with the biggest ad budget.

2.   And even profitable old-economy companies are cutting ad budgets.

3.   Any given car competes with so many other models that it is hard to criticize all of the alternatives even with a big ad budget.

4.   At a news conference after the summit, Davis said he would support an unspecified increase in the ad budget, provided the travel industry also upped its spending.

5.   Big ad budgets by domestic paint companies are a big reason why wallpaper has fallen out of favor, Vizzi believes.

6.   Both campaigns declined to provide ad budgets or specific markets where the ads will run.

7.   Ad spending is up substantially, when other automakers are slashing ad budgets.

8.   Bush, speaking Spanish and advertising heavily in Hispanic areas, spent about a fourth of his ad budget to tap into the traditionally Democratic community.

9.   Corporate profits are fat enough that companies are more likely to increase their ad budgets than raise consumer prices, he said.

10.   Cutting the ad budget to save money is much easier to accomplish than other suggested steps like the elimination of Saturday delivery.

n. + budget >>共 357
defense 12.58%
government 6.74%
draft 5.59%
education 3.67%
school 3.37%
city 3.12%
austerity 2.77%
year 2.72%
travel 2.47%
ad 1.86%
ad + n. >>共 358
campaign 30.26%
agency 13.58%
revenue 5.88%
rate 2.05%
space 1.96%
sale 1.92%
time 1.92%
budget 1.61%
dollar 1.48%
executive 1.44%
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