1.   But none seems to have the fund-raising power or grass-roots organization that Gore has built in recent years as an active campaigner for other Democrats.

2.   He promises to wage a strong campaign for Dole and was an active campaigner and adviser to his father, former President George Bush.

3.   Ms. Kushnick became an active campaigner in the fight against the disease.

4.   Sanders became an active campaigner for the New South Coalition, an election machine created by Richard Arrington, the first black mayor of Birmingham.

5.   Two other mayoral candidates, Marvin Crenshaw and Jurline Hollins, have not been active campaigners and are not expected to draw many votes.

6.   A friend of hers was an active campaigner to stop people from doing so.

7.   Although U.S. officials say Tudjman is suffering from stomach cancer, he has been an active campaigner.

8.   An active campaigner against air pollution, he has proposed regulations that would require trucking companies to cut harmful emissions from diesel engines.

9.   Chen was once an active campaigner for Taiwan independence and a leader of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs, which supports independence for the island.

10.   He has also been an active campaigner for Japan to pay compensation for its occupation of China during World War II.

a. + campaigner >>共 277
environmental 4.77%
anti-nuclear 3.85%
pro-democracy 3.58%
leading 3.05%
experienced 2.25%
tireless 2.12%
anti-abortion 1.99%
prominent 1.86%
active 1.72%
anti-smoking 1.72%
active + n. >>共 1143
role 11.89%
duty 5.42%
ingredient 3.02%
stock 2.66%
roster 2.46%
member 2.45%
player 2.13%
part 1.69%
participant 1.51%
life 1.48%
campaigner 0.20%
每页显示:    共 13