1.   This review examines the evidence that abnormal oxidative metabolism is of central importance to active inflammatory bowel disease.

2.   Firstly, phagocytes are prominent in the mucosa of patients with active inflammatory bowel disease and can produce ROM via both the respiratory burst and prostaglandin and leukotriene metabolism.

3.   It is now clear that ROM are produced in excess in active inflammatory bowel disease.

4.   Corticosteroids are still the most effective treatment for active inflammatory bowel disease, but side effects are common and dose related.

5.   These findings suggest that in active inflammatory bowel disease, an increased biosynthesis might coexist with an increased consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

6.   This pattern of plasma fatty acids suggests that, in active inflammatory bowel disease, increased polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis might coexist with increased fatty acid consumption.

a. + bowel >>共 89
inflammatory 30.19%
small 15.93%
irritable 15.51%
large 5.66%
normal 2.73%
active 1.47%
non-inflammatory 1.26%
proximal 1.05%
telescoped 1.05%
distal 0.84%
active + n. >>共 1143
role 11.89%
duty 5.42%
ingredient 3.02%
stock 2.66%
roster 2.46%
member 2.45%
player 2.13%
part 1.69%
participant 1.51%
life 1.48%
bowel 0.11%
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