1.   In Act II, they have taken action to solve things and failed miserably.

2.   Be willing to face problems and take action to solve them.

3.   Brandishing banners and chanting slogans, the marchers urged the government to take decisive action to solve the problem of unemployment as quickly as possible.

4.   China in the past has issued long reports criticizing the United States for not taking action to solve its own social problems such as homeless and violence.

5.   In his remarks in Williamsburg on Monday, Perry stressed that neither the United States nor its NATO allies believed that military action would solve the Bosnia crisis.

6.   Izetbegovic argued stridently that only international action could solve the conflict.

7.   The Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations demanded Tuesday that President Carlos Roberto Reina take action to solve the crimes.

8.   The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, quoted Chinese Vice Minister Tang Jiaxuan as saying Japan should take proper action to solve the issue.

9.   But at no time does NATO or the UN think that military action alone can solve the problem.

n. + solve >>共 443
problem 3.87%
government 2.99%
police 1.75%
company 1.62%
step 1.62%
system 1.50%
force 1.25%
technology 1.25%
election 1.12%
action 1.12%
action + v. >>共 799
be 28.76%
come 3.91%
have 2.30%
follow 2.03%
take 1.76%
prevent 1.57%
stop 1.28%
make 1.07%
lead 1.05%
help 1.03%
solve 0.12%
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