1.   The governments of the world failed to act to prevent the catastrophe of World War II.

2.   We must act to prevent pollution in the first instance.

3.   They were acting to prevent the state from trespassing on family matters such as sex education.

4.   There had also been recent allegations that Vacek had acted to prevent relevant documents from reaching the commission.

5.   The external anal sphincter response to rectal distension is very closely associated with both rectal sensation and rectal contraction in normal subjects, and presumably acts to prevent soiling.

6.   At that time, Greenspan said he was acting to prevent the strong economy from putting upward pressure on wages and prices.

7.   Davis said he acted to prevent the power from being resold to buyers outside California.

8.   Davis said he had acted to prevent the power being resold to buyers outside California.

9.   Dr. Ahmad Tibi, a senior adviser to Arafat, said that although Palestinians were profoundly disappointed, their leadership would act to prevent further violence.

v. + prevent >>共 399
do 11.92%
use 7.18%
act 5.60%
work 4.61%
can 4.15%
intervene 3.82%
deploy 2.64%
fight 2.11%
impose 1.45%
close 1.25%
act + v. >>共 296
prevent 9.24%
protect 7.61%
stop 5.22%
accord 4.57%
ensure 1.85%
end 1.85%
make 1.63%
save 1.52%
reduce 1.52%
halt 1.41%
每页显示:    共 85