1.   And the hopes some fans had that Congress or President Clinton would act to end the strike were misplaced.

2.   Bankers said they intend to continue selling them unless Congress acts to end the tax benefits these securities provide.

3.   David acted to end the killing, not to have it continued on his account.

4.   I asked Powell if he would act to end the conflict.

5.   Now in a backlash against quotas and racial preferences, we risk hampering public institutions from acknowledging or acting to end continuing racial stratification, even without quotas.

6.   Powell said he expected Arafat to act to end the Palestinian uprising.

7.   The Democrats said they had been forced to act to end the seven-week deadlock over who would become the new speaker of the Assembly.

8.   Preval acted to end a two-year crisis that had left the Caribbean country without a prime minister and effective government in a fight for political power.

9.   Deri allegedly believed Bar-On would act to end his corruption trial.

10.   He said he acted to end the suffering of his daughter, who had cerebral palsy and had had repeated operations on her back, hips and legs.

v. + end >>共 204
fight 10.03%
work 7.56%
load 6.54%
intervene 3.78%
do 3.49%
second 2.62%
reach 2.62%
act 2.47%
sound 2.47%
can 2.47%
act + v. >>共 296
prevent 9.24%
protect 7.61%
stop 5.22%
accord 4.57%
ensure 1.85%
end 1.85%
make 1.63%
save 1.52%
reduce 1.52%
halt 1.41%
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