1.   Many questions have been raised about acquaintance rape since the surge of reported cases has been noted across the country.

2.   Most experts such as Koss focus on factors outside of criminal intent that contribute to date and acquaintance rape.

3.   ASU police say almost all reported campus rapes are date or acquaintance rapes.

4.   Long enough for society to have wrenched itself through examinations of acquaintance rape.

5.   Most startling was the response from victims of acquaintance rape.

6.   The number of reported rapes remains high simply because women are far more likely now than in years past to report acquaintance rape, he said.

7.   The problem of acquaintance rape, meanwhile, points up a paradoxical problem for schools.

8.   With acquaintance rape, self-blame often melds with humiliation and the fear, common to most rape victims, that testifying will exacerbate the trauma.

n. + rape >>共 48
child 31.14%
oilseed 13.77%
acquaintance 5.39%
broccoli 5.39%
third-degree 5.39%
prison 4.79%
baby 2.40%
wartime 2.40%
campus 1.80%
inmate 1.20%
acquaintance + n. >>共 15
rape 37.50%
turn 8.33%
case 4.17%
drug 4.17%
friend 4.17%
gap 4.17%
mention 4.17%
relief 4.17%
say 4.17%
shake 4.17%
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