1.   A program plan should be developed with those involved in its implementation and should specify how the desired results will be achieved.

2.   Both approaches appear to achieve similar results.

3.   Failure in government is not failure to achieve results, it is failure to secure reelection.

4.   However, it was not easy to use and required a certain amount of both skill and effort to achieve Decent results.

5.   If McAfee can achieve results like this.

6.   In that case also, the state in principle sets management an objective and imposes constraints soas to achieve the result.

7.   It is your positive actions coupled with a positive attitude that will achieve results.

8.   Like the cabalistic use of hints and allusions, it achieves results seemingly out of proportion to the measures employed.

9.   Of course, the same result could be achieved without putting the bookkeeping through a Loans Fund.

v. + result >>共 506
expect 9.68%
announce 5.60%
produce 5.52%
report 4.55%
release 4.40%
get 2.75%
await 2.74%
see 2.42%
have 2.37%
yield 2.08%
achieve 1.59%
achieve + n. >>共 900
goal 13.71%
peace 4.08%
success 4.04%
objective 3.37%
result 3.31%
progress 1.75%
status 1.63%
breakthrough 1.60%
aim 1.57%
growth 1.43%
每页显示:    共 219