1.   American justice works on the premise that an accused person is innocent until they are proved guilty.

2.   ...removal of the right of accused persons to remain silent.

3.   Although courts sometimes disallow DNA evidence that seems to show an accused person is guilty, all accept exculpatory DNA evidence.

4.   If a judge determines that also though the accused person was insane at the time of the crime, they are no longer insane, that person walks free.

5.   It is normally applied when national governments cannot or do not deal with the accused person.

6.   Ordinarily, an accused person is allowed immediate access to a lawyer.

7.   So even courts that disallow DNA evidence against an accused person are willing to accept DNA tests that exclude him as a suspect.

8.   The House bill includes a provision allowing secret hearings to deport supposed potential terrorists, with the accused person having no right to see the evidence.

9.   There are bound to be loyalists who will always believe the accused person got a bum deal.

10.   And the accused person or persons in that Scotch court ... was two individuals.

a. + person >>共 616
only 7.21%
first 7.05%
third 3.33%
missing 2.73%
same 2.46%
average 1.99%
last 1.99%
second 1.65%
familiar 1.55%
young 1.50%
accused 0.22%
accused + n. >>共 214
man 7.01%
killer 5.76%
terrorist 4.63%
murderer 4.18%
drug 4.07%
priest 3.73%
criminal 3.73%
officer 3.28%
person 2.82%
spy 2.49%
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