1.   Gittins said that the accusations included sexual harassment and adultery and were made against more than three senior Army officers, whom he did not identify.

2.   Nonetheless, the accusations included disturbing echoes of the previous scandal, which roiled the Navy.

3.   The accusations include destroying the environment and colluding with Nigerian dictators in terrible human rights abuses.

4.   The racketeering accusations include such crimes as prostitution, credit-card fraud, money laundering and loan-sharking.

5.   Those accusations included one case in which he allegedly molested three boys in a family that had befriended him.

6.   Other accusations include selling government buildings for private profit and land fraud during his stint as minister of land reform.

7.   Accusations against him include forming an armed group, violating weapons-control laws and possession of illegal Nazi symbols.

8.   Accusations against police include use of excessive or unwarranted force in restraining or arresting people and deliberate abuse of detainees, the report said.

9.   Corruption accusations include applying for shares designated for Malays only and then selling them off to Chinese, Indians and other non-Malays.

10.   The accusations include the abduction and killing of a Roman Catholic priest, the Rev. Roel Gallardo, two years ago.

n. + include >>共 1161
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accusation + v. >>共 216
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