1.   These accusations came at a critical phase in the negotiations.

2.   As the Kenyans continue to dominate, more accusations will come.

3.   After those accusations came to light, Wood was forced to resign from the institute last month.

4.   But accusations may yet come.

5.   Daniels resigned his post as a deputy mayor in the Dinkins administration before he actually took office, when an accusation of sexual harassment came to light.

6.   Eventually, the mutual accusations came to an end.

7.   First came accusations of domestic spying, then the firings of top officials said to have been involved in the torture of political prisoners many years ago.

8.   Here the accusations would often come from foreign governments that want to get a critic home where they can deal with him.

9.   Most of the priests removed had been involved in old cases, but new accusations have come to light recently.

10.   Now his lawyers, who say they respected his decision, say it is more difficult for people to believe him, since the accusations come so late.

n. + come >>共 1444
time 1.70%
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move 1.18%
decision 1.11%
money 1.03%
attack 0.91%
report 0.77%
change 0.77%
call 0.64%
accusation 0.08%
accusation + v. >>共 216
be 38.88%
come 7.62%
fly 2.91%
surface 1.90%
include 1.40%
dog 1.40%
become 1.10%
have 1.10%
make 1.10%
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