1.   Firstly, we need a national register of hip replacements and revisions to provide an accurate measure of revision rate.

2.   Use of Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate test-kits will give you an accurate measure of how effective your bacterial filtration is.

3.   What students do, not what they know, is the most accurate measure of their success in schools.

4.   A more accurate measure of the current yield would be to use the dirty price, since this is the price actually paid for the bond.

5.   And he also expressed doubt that Bush could come up with an accurate measure for a failing school.

6.   A more accurate measure of how forgiving fans are will come in September with attendance figures in small markets such as Milwaukee and Pittsburgh.

7.   But if polls are an accurate measure this year, Zedillo is leading by a comfortable margin.

8.   By including revenues from narcotics in gross domestic product, Colombian government economists say they hope to obtain a more accurate measure of all economic activity in the country.

9.   Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has been pushing the idea of making the price index a more accurate measure of inflation for two years.

10.   For a more accurate measure of viewership, he said, Nielsen should employ blind sweeps, like a pop quiz in school.

a. + measure >>共 741
new 6.58%
similar 3.73%
emergency 2.14%
precautionary 2.09%
cost-cutting 2.03%
good 1.99%
preventive 1.91%
tough 1.71%
drastic 1.57%
temporary 1.52%
accurate 0.25%
accurate + n. >>共 458
information 7.57%
count 4.33%
picture 3.40%
diagnosis 2.57%
figure 2.37%
description 2.37%
assessment 2.37%
estimate 2.21%
measurement 1.91%
measure 1.85%
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