1.   Although the accounting industry plays down the fiscal irregularities that have repeatedly hit the software industry, there is little doubt that loose bookkeeping practices have been a problem.

2.   Although the SEC and Congress will get involved when a major crisis arises, there is no government agency regulating the accounting industry on a day-to-day basis.

3.   And he also referred to the expansion of the accounting industry.

4.   Andersen was a strait-laced accountant who always wore a yellow rose in his lapel and became a kind of accounting industry icon early on.

5.   Another proposed solution, this one from the Consumers Union, is for Congress to tighten regulations on the accounting industry.

6.   At the same time, the accounting industry expressed concern the proposal went too far, leaving them little latitude to help set standards for their industry.

7.   A decade ago, the accounting industry proposed a sensible rule to make companies report options as expenses, but it was beaten back by fierce corporate lobbying.

8.   Bush called for establishment of an independent regulatory board to oversee the accounting industry, and he said conflicts of industry must be eliminated.

9.   Bush called for establishment of an independent regulatory board to oversee the accounting industry, and he said conflicts of interest must be eliminated.

10.   But congressional action is needed, and until this week the powerful accounting industry lobby had been able to block Senate action.

a. + industry >>共 881
insurance 4.01%
banking 3.57%
pharmaceutical 2.14%
private 2.05%
financial 2.04%
recording 1.82%
local 1.66%
aerospace 1.61%
manufacturing 1.56%
state 1.52%
accounting 0.47%
accounting + n. >>共 262
firm 21.90%
practice 6.76%
rule 6.47%
standard 5.26%
method 4.13%
industry 3.30%
system 3.21%
office 3.17%
problem 2.42%
change 2.29%
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