1.   First, a judge ruled that a series of accounting scandals at the firm could be presented to the jury as motive for its destruction of Enron documents.

2.   In an age of accounting scandals, number-crunchers are needed more than ever.

3.   It had earlier failed to protect the public in other high-profile accounting scandals at Global Crossing, Sunbeam and Waste Management.

4.   Q. How do you think companies will respond to public outrage over the recent series of accounting scandals?

5.   Sen. Zell Miller, D-Ga., predicted the bill would win broad support because lawmakers realize Americans are fed up with accounting scandals.

6.   Stocks skidded for a third consecutive day as investors grew increasingly gloomy over the possibility of more terrorist attacks, slowing economic growth and corporate accounting scandals.

7.   The worry among accountants is that investors who were willing to shrug off accounting scandals during the bull market may now be less tolerant.

8.   Even if earnings improve and accounting scandals start to dissipate, however, Wall Street is likely to remain cautious.

9.   In currencies, the dollar hovered in a narrow range against the yen as traders were watching developments in the WorldCom Inc. accounting scandal in the United States.

10.   In currencies, the dollar stayed in a narrow range against the yen as traders were watching developments in the WorldCom Inc. accounting scandal in the United States.

v. + scandal >>共 267
follow 5.43%
investigate 4.39%
avoid 3.23%
survive 3.00%
account 2.77%
prevent 2.19%
cause 2.08%
put 1.96%
have 1.73%
judge 1.73%
account + n. >>共 241
firm 17.95%
rule 10.40%
standard 7.32%
practice 6.63%
irregularity 3.16%
method 3.00%
procedure 2.47%
system 2.31%
scandal 1.85%
principle 1.69%
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