1.   The term generally accepted accounting principles is somewhat debatable in the field of financial accounting.

2.   Accounting is not a simple task.

3.   For what purposes is accounting information used?

4.   Discuss the reasons why accrual accounting methods are not appropriate to future decision making.

5.   Accounting errors were to blame for eight kg, but the plant was shut down and part of it cleaned out to find the rest.

6.   And while it can be harder to identify and evaluate stocks when accounting standards are nebulous and regulation is idiosyncratic, the basics of stock selection still apply.

7.   Backing it were accounting firms and brokers, while consumer groups and regulators opposed it, concerned that duped investors would have little recourse.

8.   Because accounting for deals is so complicated and contradictory, it has become difficult even for accountants to compare companies.

9.   Braude said tax and accounting journals are full of ads from lawyers and accountants seeking to help multistate banks minimize tax liability by setting up out-of-state subsidiaries.

10.   Accounting is matching revenue and costs on a proper basis.

v. + be >>共 1472
be 2.59%
trade 2.09%
go 1.46%
fighting 1.32%
win 0.99%
do 0.97%
get 0.96%
fight 0.87%
have 0.80%
play 0.78%
account 0.06%
account + v. >>共 68
be 24.78%
require 6.19%
say 2.65%
use 1.77%
have 1.77%
cause 1.77%
allow 1.77%
change 1.77%
fail 1.77%
firm 1.77%
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