1.   Three years after NAFTA took effect, the accord remains at least as controversial in Mexico as in the United States.

2.   Kenyon acknowledged that the accord remains weakened since it lacks the signatures of other countries with chemical arsenals, such as Iraq, Syria, Libya and North Korea.

3.   The fate of that free-trade accord remains in doubt, with legislation approving it stuck in the U.S. Congress.

4.   Despite the worrying political situation, the implementation of military aspects of the Dayton accords remains on track, Solana said.

n. + remains >>共 765
inflation 2.27%
question 2.20%
economy 1.81%
pressure 1.62%
market 1.55%
government 1.36%
craft 1.17%
fact 1.17%
work 1.10%
industry 1.10%
accord 0.26%
accord + n. >>共 90
call 19.08%
work 5.78%
autonomy 2.89%
remains 2.31%
set 2.31%
ending 1.73%
fair 1.73%
bar 1.73%
forsees 1.73%
priority 1.73%
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