1.   Black and white, the accent colors, are to be used on pillows, flowers, and lamps.

2.   Add a red sash for an accent color.

3.   But those are the accent colors.

4.   Each neutral is strong enough to stand up to white, has an affinity for accent colors, and is warm.

5.   Gold, however, will stand out as the key accent color for fall, both in apparel and accessories.

6.   In a year or two, experts expect silver to return to its historic place as an accent color.

7.   It is a standard and I use it as an accent color.

8.   Just a few years ago, hunter green was the accent color for households in everything from towels to trash cans.

9.   Lime green will be a good accent color.

10.   One popular accent color is teal, which works well with flowers that are pink and white, purple and violet, yellow and white or orange and gold.

n. + color >>共 322
skin 16.82%
hair 11.94%
fall 5.05%
team 4.63%
eye 3.20%
school 2.52%
neon 1.85%
background 1.60%
change 1.60%
paint 1.60%
accent 1.43%
accent + n. >>共 48
color 17.35%
piece 10.20%
mark 6.12%
rug 5.10%
lighting 5.10%
flavor 3.06%
pillow 3.06%
plant 2.04%
reduction 2.04%
light 2.04%
每页显示:    共 17