1.   Feminist scholars have shown how all academic disciplines have been dominated by a male view of the world.

2.   In many academic disciplines no prior knowledge is required or assumed.

3.   Rivers played a fundamental role in the establishment of both experimental psychology and social anthropology as academic disciplines in Great Britain.

4.   The groupings that form around academic disciplines are both cultures and anti-cultures.

5.   The shift that Kepler represents was not merely the collapse of a traditional boundary between two academic disciplines.

6.   The traditional academic disciplines are less popular among students, who now prefer subjects such as business studies.

7.   This principle is not the special prerogative of anthropology, and it transcends all the boundaries of traditional academic disciplines.

8.   This subject is broadly termed continuum mechanics and is an academic discipline in its own right.

9.   This is the academic discipline which is the intellectual concept of both theories and methods.

a. + discipline >>共 480
fiscal 11.74%
party 4.74%
military 3.97%
strict 3.91%
financial 3.74%
academic 2.14%
new 2.14%
the 1.72%
same 1.42%
different 1.42%
academic + n. >>共 935
standard 4.25%
year 3.56%
performance 2.86%
achievement 2.50%
institution 1.97%
research 1.86%
career 1.74%
study 1.57%
program 1.57%
center 1.52%
discipline 0.68%
每页显示:    共 36