1.   It has abundant profanity and several scenes of graphic violence.

2.   It includes abundant profanity, sexual situations and gory fight scenes.

3.   It includes nudity, sexual situations, violence and abundant profanity.

4.   It includes ridiculously fake gore and abundant profanity.

5.   It includes abundant profanity, nudity and semi-nudity, and enough crude sexual humor for two movies.

6.   It is drenched in gory violence and has abundant profanity and sexual situations.

7.   It has abundant profanity.

8.   It has some violent scenes and abundant profanity.

9.   It includes abundant profanity and sexual situations.

10.   It has abundant profanity and scenes of violence.

a. + profanity >>共 83
mild 38.05%
strong 6.40%
occasional 5.39%
abundant 5.05%
scattered 4.38%
considerable 2.69%
frequent 2.69%
moderate 2.02%
shouted 1.35%
brief 1.01%
abundant + n. >>共 316
sunshine 17.12%
supply 8.99%
moisture 4.02%
evidence 3.81%
cloud 2.64%
harvest 2.43%
sun 1.80%
profanity 1.59%
water 1.59%
snow 1.37%
每页显示:    共 15