1.   He is used to abrupt changes.

2.   Policy analysis needs to be concerned with a flow of interrelated policies, with abrupt changes of direction a comparatively rare occurrence.

3.   Severe risk was involved in any abrupt change in the way in which we dealt with journalists.

4.   The abrupt change from legacy to trust is very striking.

5.   Where the soil is different there are abrupt changes in the use which people have made of the land.

6.   An abrupt change of location can be disorienting.

7.   There was an abrupt change in the weather.

8.   An abrupt change of position by the United States ostensibly wrecked what some have claimed was a promising diplomatic move.

9.   Second, the formal objectives themselves are liable to abrupt change.

a. + change >>共 804
major 5.67%
significant 3.47%
proposed 3.24%
big 2.49%
political 2.43%
radical 2.21%
dramatic 2.21%
constitutional 1.94%
fundamental 1.81%
sweeping 1.73%
abrupt 0.48%
abrupt + n. >>共 203
change 11.89%
end 10.72%
halt 9.69%
departure 5.30%
reversal 2.84%
resignation 2.84%
shift 2.84%
withdrawal 1.94%
about-face 1.68%
dismissal 1.55%
每页显示:    共 92