1.   The bill would have banned an abortion procedure known to health professionals as intact dilation and extraction.

2.   And she said Clinton had also disappointed the group in April, when he vetoed a bill that banned a late-term abortion procedure.

3.   And the accord includes an anti-abortion provision that will allow medical schools to receive federal accreditation if they do not teach abortion procedures.

4.   As a result, they say, women would be forced to use less safe abortion procedures or to seek abortions in other states.

5.   Are we willing to draw the line this close between an abortion procedure and a neo-natal intensive care unit?

6.   At this point, the abortion procedure has the appearance of a live birth.

7.   Backs ban on late-term abortion procedure.

8.   Boswell has supported a ban on a late-term abortion procedure and a constitutional amendment on flag burning.

9.   Both the Ohio and federal bills target a late-term abortion procedure used by Dr. Martin Haskell, an Ohio physician.

10.   -- An end to federal funding for abortion procedures, counseling and referral.

n. + procedure >>共 788
security 6.42%
safety 4.55%
abortion 2.48%
custom 2.03%
court 1.82%
election 1.76%
police 1.73%
selection 1.73%
extradition 1.42%
registration 1.33%
abortion + n. >>共 246
right 30.46%
clinic 10.74%
opponent 8.36%
issue 6.83%
foe 3.17%
debate 2.52%
provider 2.38%
law 2.23%
procedure 2.03%
advocate 1.98%
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