1.   ATM switches, including those made by Newbridge, have the ability to handle a trillion bits, or one terabit per second of computer information, Matthews said.

2.   It is central banks in the leading countries that have the ability to act, and that is why pressure grew on the Fed to ease credit.

3.   Some have the ability to weave an inspiring speech, then deliver it smoothly and effectively.

4.   When you are always in the moment, you not only feel happier, but then have the ability to recognize danger, then retreat from it.

n. + have >>共 127
look 9.05%
way 3.81%
drink 3.33%
chance 2.86%
right 2.38%
cup 1.90%
ability 1.90%
computer 1.90%
go 1.43%
good 1.43%
ability + n. >>共 56
level 14.02%
teaching 10.28%
test 7.48%
class 6.54%
have 3.74%
grouping 2.80%
group 2.80%
bonus 1.87%
aside 1.87%
assessment 1.87%
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