1.   Shortly after admission abdominal distension and tenderness over the transverse colon was noted.

2.   Two days before admission he noted abdominal distension and began to hiccup.

3.   Clinical details of the patients are given in Table I.

4.   All had severe symptoms of intestinal pseudoobstruction, including episodic vominting, abdominal distension, and intolerance of food.

5.   The pandas are suffering digestion disorders, abdominal distension and diarrhea, the report said.

a. + distension >>共 15
rectal 34.21%
abdominal 13.16%
gaseous 10.53%
isobaric 7.89%
increasing 5.26%
maximum 5.26%
colonic 2.63%
due 2.63%
graded 2.63%
intermittent 2.63%
abdominal + n. >>共 113
pain 23.27%
muscle 14.25%
surgery 11.21%
strain 6.46%
cavity 3.99%
cramp 3.99%
injury 3.99%
wall 2.85%
cancer 1.99%
discomfort 1.52%
distension 0.47%
每页显示:    共 5