1.   A certain sort of grimness came into my voice, as if expediency had now to take over.

2.   It is typical of a certain sort of domestic architecture which exudes an air of virtue and solidity.

3.   Now the company is hoping that iconoclasm is coming back into style - and a certain sort of iconoclasm at that.

4.   Rather, the moral goodness was really the power to produce a certain sort of pleasing sensation in the observer.

5.   Biofeedback is based on a certain sort of electrical activity in the brain, which produces what are called alpha waves.

6.   It has a certain sort of rhythm to it, does it not?

7.   It serves as the absolute top of the heap, the pinnacle to which responsibility-takers of a certain sort can aspire.

8.   There was a certain sort of Steve McQueen persona about him.

9.   To wind up as a brand-name denoting consumer products of a certain sort?

10.   Well, book publishing and readership support the notion of a certain sort of dullness among men.

a. + sort >>共 536
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a 0.68%
a + n. >>共 1334
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每页显示:    共 10