1.   Let us remember that the printing press never wrote a single book.

2.   And in room after room there is no sign of a single book.

3.   Attached to the arm is a gripper designed to grasp a single book.

4.   For many in publishing, the challenge is to mix the literary and the commercial in a single book.

5.   How did the communities pick a single book?

6.   Knowles once told an interviewer that he did not mind having his reputation rest on a single book.

7.   One consists entirely of carpets, the other of pages from a single book.

8.   Some wondered if readers in New York, the capital of literary disputation, could settle on a single book.

9.   The idea of having everyone in a city, or as many people as possible, read a single book together originated four years ago in Seattle.

10.   The IMPAC Award is the most lucrative prize for a single book.

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