1.   Over time, in a certain percentage of cells, that mutation caused further errors.

2.   The law defines drunkenness as a certain percentage of alcohol in the blood.

3.   Bunny works on the principle that if he asks every woman he meets to sleep with him, a certain percentage are going to say yes.

4.   And Deng has used his influence to push through laws that require companies to hire a certain percentage of disabled people.

5.   As with other epidemics throughout history in humans and in wildlife, a certain percentage of the afflicted population will have only mild cases and will survive.

6.   Bianco, like others, could nevertheless get into the Senate through his party, which receives a certain percentage of seats awarded proportionally.

7.   -- Laws that require a certain percentage of recycled material to be used to produce new glass food containers and newsprint.

8.   A certain percentage of the population always tests positive for TB, but that does not necessarily mean a person has the disease or is contagious.

9.   A certain percentage of government contracts, for example, was earmarked for supporters of each party.

10.   A certain percentage of the audience is going to be moved to do something.

a. + percentage >>共 260
small 16.42%
high 8.45%
higher 7.60%
large 6.35%
highest 3.48%
full 2.97%
smaller 2.80%
biggest 2.74%
winning 2.70%
larger 2.60%
a 2.33%
a + n. >>共 1334
extent 5.61%
level 5.07%
age 2.85%
kind 2.78%
point 2.63%
time 2.24%
degree 2.20%
way 2.11%
charge 1.80%
percentage 1.55%
每页显示:    共 69