1.   Auster was somewhat reticent about it at first, but finally admitted he was working on a new book.

2.   He had put away his Churchill and was reading a new book.

3.   Joanna came up with a brilliant idea for a new book.

4.   Peter Drucker, the management guru, has just published a new book.

5.   The show is timed to coincide with the launch of a new book.

6.   I need a new book.

7.   Sir, I need a new book.

8.   The Prince is a devoted farmer and gardener, and a new book describes the Highgrove estate as a monument to his love of organic farming.

9.   In a new book, he claims the Victorians would be horrified by modern behaviour such as eating and smoking on the streets.

10.   A new book looks at the modern drinker...

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