1.   A book on the subject could be a little dry.

2.   Eventually Vogt would collaborate on a book on the subject.

3.   He is currently writing a book on the subject.

4.   His curiosity piqued, he looked for a book on the subject and found none.

5.   In fact, he has written a book on the subject.

6.   Kincaid has written extensively of her latest passion in The New Yorker and is now writing a book on the subject.

7.   She is writing a book on the subject.

8.   Marie Osmond, who has said she suffered from postpartum depression, has written a book on the subject.

9.   THE Malaysian corporate sector which has enthusiastically embraced books on creativity by foreign authors should take note that a Malaysian has just launched a book on the subject.

10.   The suit coincides with the release of a book on the subject and IBM last week alerted its employees about the book with an internal memo.

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