81.   Zairean army officials speaking under cover of anonymity, said the army had also flown in money to pay the soldiers.

82.   Witnesses said air raids led by the army had killed rebel soldiers but also hit soldiers in the Zairean army and dozens of civilians.

83.   Zairean army units and rebel guerrillas have clashed in the region of Lubutu, in eastern Zaire, rebel leader Laurent-Desire Kabila said Friday.

84.   It added that the Zairean army had quickly abandoned Kananga, adding that the town was where President Mobutu Sese Seko had begun his military career.

85.   It is estimated that hundreds of people have been killed in clashes in between the Banyamulenge and the Zairean army.

86.   Just west of Kikwit, meanwhile, units of the Zairean army were cut off from the rest of their forces and were battling rebels who hold the town.

87.   Kigali, however, accuses the Zairean army, Rwandan Hutus and Burundian Hutu rebels in the region of persecuting, slaughtering and chasing away the Banyamulenge.

88.   Kinshasa is the last major city in Zaire still held by the rag-tag Zairean army.

89.   Its inhabitants fled, but it was not immediately clear if a Zairean army base at Panzi was held by government troops.

90.   Journalists have reported violent clashes in the town as deserters and stragglers from the Zairean army returning from the front search for food and money.

a. + army >>共 410
israeli 23.37%
yugoslav 6.08%
bosnian 5.93%
former 3.82%
croatian 3.28%
russian 2.63%
lebanese 2.25%
indian 2.24%
general 1.55%
british 1.55%
zairean 0.61%
zairean + n. >>共 200
government 14.77%
rebel 12.56%
troop 8.91%
army 7.54%
authority 6.64%
soldier 6.58%
capital 3.23%
border 2.81%
official 2.03%
force 1.79%
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