81.   The furious gunfire has wounded nine people and spawned confusing claims of who is at fault, who started the violence.

82.   The woman caller, who says she is the church nursery coordinator, says that she was not in the sanctuary but that people are wounded at the church.

83.   There, a car blew up as it rammed a convoy of two Israeli cars escorted by police and army vehicles, wounding several people.

84.   There, nine people died, including two policemen and three sailors, and nine people were wounded.

85.   Three car bombs blew up in Israel this week, wounding several people, and three Jewish settlers were killed in the West Bank.

86.   Three people were wounded at the plant, according to official media, and supplies of hot water to thousands of people were cut.

87.   Three other people were also wounded.

88.   Two dozen people have been wounded.

89.   Two suicide bombings in the Gaza Strip wounded three people.

v. + people >>共 706
kill 16.68%
injure 6.37%
arrest 4.06%
wound 2.62%
help 1.81%
have 1.53%
treat 1.41%
see 1.30%
detain 1.12%
keep 1.11%
wound + n. >>共 421
soldier 18.51%
people 17.08%
civilian 5.87%
policeman 4.21%
man 3.44%
officer 2.45%
woman 2.36%
person 2.06%
dozen 1.66%
militiaman 1.47%
每页显示:    共 1165