81.   Students learn in living rooms, basements and attics, sitting and writing on wooden planks instead of desks.

82.   The bridge, built three weeks ago for the ceremony, was made up of wooden planks held up by green aluminum support beams.

83.   The directive follows a brawl in late March, when thousands of Muslims stormed toward a Hindu temple, swinging wooden planks and hurling stones.

84.   The group is suspected of laying wooden planks and a steel door on the line in five separate cases.

85.   The less-fortunate sat on the roofs of the cars or tied wooden planks underneath and lay there.

86.   The hooligans began ripping up the very stands they were sitting on and throwing wooden planks, medal railings and other projectiles onto the fans in the deck below.

87.   The loose bricks, broken wooden planks and bent metal poles were pulled from the pile and spread along neighboring streets.

88.   The loose bricks, broken wooden planks and bent metal poles were pulled from the pile and spread along neighboring streets within hours.

89.   The older building seems only to be a foundation of sand, walls of wooden planks and wrought-iron work.

90.   The service was performed by four Serbian Orthodox priests but his funeral mound was marked only by a simple wooden plank -- the Communist substitute for the cross.

a. + plank >>共 142
wooden 23.28%
anti-abortion 11.09%
central 6.87%
main 4.88%
wood 3.99%
key 3.10%
major 2.22%
pro-life 1.33%
rough 1.33%
antiabortion 1.11%
wooden + n. >>共 965
box 3.39%
house 2.68%
cross 2.57%
bench 2.48%
door 2.13%
boat 2.13%
table 2.11%
plank 1.91%
floor 1.84%
chair 1.80%
每页显示:    共 104