81.   And they always took the whole family along on vacations.

82.   Another brother, Nasser, said that the whole family supported the peace treaty with Israel.

83.   Another local collector, who also asked that her name not be used, said collecting and talking about Beanie Babies was something her whole family got involved in.

84.   As a pioneer in glycobiology, the study of carbohydrate-containing molecules, he identified a whole family of core proteins with sugars attached to the cell surfaces.

85.   Armey argued that the current welfare system destroys the lives of young children, places whole families in poverty for generations, and causes fathers to abandon their families.

86.   As soon as I put it in the recorder, the whole family started laughing based on what happened when we watched it last spring.

87.   At Christmas, she took the whole family to Radio City for a show.

88.   As the kids grew older, family meetings were called whenever tensions mounted, and the whole family often stayed up late into the night to iron out differences.

89.   Aside from challenges of getting natural footage of wildlife, Casey faced the challenge of cutting graphic images from documentary footage to make it appropriate for the whole family.

90.   Back home, you live with your whole family.

a. + family >>共 830
royal 9.14%
poor 3.62%
whole 3.02%
entire 2.94%
low-income 2.07%
american 1.97%
same 1.93%
large 1.83%
wealthy 1.55%
working 1.49%
whole + n. >>共 924
thing 8.60%
lot 3.63%
world 2.84%
family 2.69%
life 1.91%
process 1.77%
country 1.66%
idea 1.52%
team 1.37%
time 1.31%
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