81.   The middle-class elderly are a powerful voting bloc, quick to mobilize against any attack on their benefit programs.

82.   The moderates have used their voting bloc to water down the balanced budget amendment, bury an early anti-abortion rights vote, and soften welfare reform proposals.

83.   The members also served to remind Bush, who is popular among Texas Hispanics, that Bush does not have a lock on that voting bloc.

84.   The Republican candidates especially know they must find ways to appeal to the crucial evangelical voting bloc.

85.   The Republicans deserve credit for even thinking about tampering with a heavily subsidized, sacrosanct program that is jealously protected by a powerful voting bloc.

86.   The tax opponents and business representatives, joined by Gilmore, made up the majority voting bloc.

87.   There has been, however, a problem with this voting bloc.

88.   They are calculated to curry favor with various voting blocs and create political difficulties for Democrats.

89.   They are influential voting blocs in almost all Southern states as well as California and New York.

90.   These appointments did not produce a strictly ideologically conservative court, but Rehnquist, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas constitute a solid conservative voting bloc.

a. + bloc >>共 281
soviet 22.71%
former 20.26%
voting 5.59%
eastern 3.62%
trading 3.47%
regional 2.78%
communist 2.67%
largest 1.94%
economic 1.68%
large 1.68%
voting + n. >>共 348
right 10.38%
system 7.31%
booth 6.48%
record 5.43%
bloc 4.09%
station 3.88%
irregularity 3.61%
procedure 2.78%
process 2.62%
pattern 2.30%
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