81.   They have very distinct characters, which to some degree reflect their schools, and vice versa.

82.   Through the alchemy of television, in future episodes Rose will become the actress Marina Malota, and vice versa.

83.   Traditionally, the House has redistricted the House, and the Senate has rubber-stamped it, and vice versa.

84.   Users of each type and regulatory agencies would have to consider how ground water use affects surface water, and vice versa.

85.   Voinovich also argued that Wyoming taxpayer money should not go toward repairing New York schools and vice versa.

86.   Well, is that life imitating so-called art or vice versa?

87.   What the Huskies had been, UCLA became, and vice versa.

88.   When people respected police and vice versa.

89.   When the technology-laden Nasdaq composite index has risen, shares of REITs have generally fallen, and vice versa.

90.   When the offense has the advantage, then a new technology will come along that will temporarily give the defense the advantage and vice versa.

v. + versa >>共 3
vice 98.29%
visa 0.85%
vise 0.85%
vice + n. >>共 26
versa 44.06%
president 12.26%
minister 8.05%
premier 7.28%
chairwoman 6.90%
candidate 3.07%
captain 3.07%
director 2.30%
chief 1.92%
chairman 1.15%
每页显示:    共 114