81.   Japan has also come under criticism recently for hoarding vast quantities of surplus rice instead of sending it to North Korea.

82.   Spacecraft finds evidence of vast quantities of ice on Mars.

83.   The drug is produced in vast quantities by drug armies in Myanmar that have added it as a side business to their traditional trafficking in opium and heroin.

84.   The finding of the gene allows researchers to churn out vast quantities of the enzyme.

85.   Under the new theory, the dikes would have also melted vast quantities of ice.

86.   Floodgates of all the dams on the island were opened to help drain the vast quantities of water accumulated as a result of the rains, the official added.

87.   In primary forests, the mainly vegetarian Orang Utans eat vast quantities of fruits to survive.

88.   Baghdad had also produced vast quantities of deadly botulism and anthrax agents, far greater than it had admitted to in the past, Ekeus said.

89.   Chinese authorities admit that vast quantities of fake money are now circulating in the country, most of it smuggled in from overseas.

90.   Chinese industry, especially the mining sector, uses vast quantities of explosives, but security controls on their sale, transport and storage are often slack.

a. + quantity >>共 255
large 33.09%
small 12.10%
huge 4.87%
limited 4.61%
unknown 4.02%
vast 3.47%
larger 2.14%
sufficient 1.55%
great 1.55%
greater 1.44%
vast + n. >>共 1207
majority 23.51%
amount 3.83%
area 2.84%
number 2.52%
array 1.61%
network 1.39%
market 1.30%
tract 1.29%
country 1.28%
expanse 1.24%
quantity 1.18%
每页显示:    共 93