81.   This is despite his breaking with SDA leader Alija Izetbegovic earlier this year and running against him in an unsuccessful bid for the Bosnian presidency in the September elections.

82.   The agency said he had staged an unsuccessful bid to escape from Portugal with the help of his brother and the attempt left several police officers dead.

83.   That alerted Robson, who made an unsuccessful bid for Barmby last season.

84.   The approach differs from that of former Prime Minster Lionel Jospin, who resigned in May following an unsuccessful bid to unseat center-right President Jacques Chirac.

85.   The company said its poor results were mainly due to its costly unsuccessful bid for rival Lasmo.

86.   The discovery has raised questions over the role of Balladur in the funding of his unsuccessful bid for the French presidency.

87.   The five North Koreans made their unsuccessful bid on Wednesday as another two burst into the US consulate in the same city.

88.   The Israeli government sealed off the Gaza Strip and West Bank overnight in an unsuccessful bid to prevent further violence.

a. + bid >>共 657
takeover 10.08%
hostile 6.82%
presidential 5.28%
higher 2.28%
new 2.28%
failed 2.22%
winning 2.09%
olympic 1.85%
rival 1.83%
joint 1.79%
unsuccessful 1.72%
unsuccessful + n. >>共 311
attempt 20.80%
bid 7.18%
effort 5.95%
candidate 4.32%
campaign 3.43%
talk 2.28%
run 1.88%
bidder 1.71%
search 1.55%
appeal 1.47%
每页显示:    共 87