81.   The union plans to file unfair labor practice charges against baseball with the National Labor Relations Board next week.

82.   The workers committee agreed to withdraw several unfair labor practices suits filed against Han Young, he said.

83.   The umpires union, led by embattled Richie Phillips, may file an unfair labor practices charge today.

84.   Then they settled in for two years of negotiations, demonstrations and charges of unfair labor practices that produced a contract last August.

85.   Those alterations, the elimination of salary arbitration, for example, prompted the union to file a second unfair labor practice charge with the National Labor Relations Board.

86.   This ruling casts a cloud over the union days after Carey led the Teamsters to victory against United Parcel Service of America Inc. in an unfair labor practice dispute.

87.   Two of the nurses challenged the four dismissals and filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board in Boston, contending unfair labor practices.

88.   Two years later, with no progress on a contract, the union went on strike again, alleging unfair labor practices.

89.   Unfair labor practices complaints are not uncommon during negotiations or walkouts.

90.   Unfair labor practices have been filed with the NLRB against Stern and against the agents who have spearheaded the decertification movement.

a. + labor >>共 1010
organized 10.38%
new 5.81%
forced 5.73%
tight 5.01%
cheap 4.04%
unfair 2.25%
skilled 1.55%
federal 1.42%
higher 1.42%
manual 1.37%
unfair + n. >>共 307
advantage 17.80%
competition 10.77%
labor 7.13%
trade 6.53%
treatment 4.96%
dismissal 3.24%
practice 2.93%
trial 2.38%
burden 2.23%
business 1.87%
每页显示:    共 140