81.   UNHCR spokesman Ray Wilkinson in Nairobi said Rwandan troops clashed overnight Wednesday with exiled former Rwandan soldiers who crossed the border from Goma, Zaire.

82.   Government troops have clashed occasionaly with MILF fighters, who have been harrassing a Japanese-funded irrigation dam being built by South Korean engineers in southern Cotabato province.

83.   His troops have also clashed with rival commander and Fahim ally Mohammad Atta in recent months.

84.   Indonesian troops clashed with Aceh separatist rebels and arrested two of them on the eve of fresh peace talks in Switzerland, a military spokesman said Saturday.

85.   Indian authorities have denied troops had clashed with Al-Faran.

86.   Israeli troops clashed with stone-throwing protestors in Hebron on the West Bank, as a general strike was called in most towns.

87.   Analysts from Kuala Lumpur say the Dayaks often view the military with suspicion believing they favour the Madurese, and residents say Dayaks and troops have clashed.

88.   The temporary ban came as government troops clashed with rebels in the mainly Christian and animist south who want to shake off control by the mainly Moslem north.

89.   Those troops clashed with demonstrators in both Cutral-Co and Plaza Huincul.

90.   Troops clashed with the armed group last month, when one of the captors, identified as Pius Orok Yane Magai Yogi, was shot dead.

n. + clash >>共 361
police 10.07%
troop 6.29%
force 5.12%
protester 4.71%
group 3.90%
demonstrator 3.43%
two 3.08%
student 2.50%
side 2.39%
faction 2.33%
troop + v. >>共 705
be 9.57%
fire 3.05%
take 2.15%
withdraw 2.15%
enter 1.97%
kill 1.91%
remain 1.70%
leave 1.69%
move 1.65%
shoot 1.58%
clash 0.55%
每页显示:    共 107