81.   The trial lasted for a week.

82.   The trial lasted four months and the jury deliberated for seven days.

83.   The secret military trials usually last a few days.

84.   The secret trials seldom last more than two weeks.

85.   The Tamexco trial will last seven days, a very long trial in a country where court cases seldom take more than a day, The People reported.

86.   The trial lasted about one hour and an attorney was assigned to the defendant only at the start of the trial.

87.   The trial lasted more than a month, and it took more than two and a half hours for the judge to read the verdict.

88.   The trial could last up to three months.

89.   The trial lasted approximately two months, and the jury sent a note last week saying it was struggling to reach a verdict.

90.   The trial lasted nine months, and followed the most exhaustive murder investigation in Scottish history.

n. + last >>共 1450
trial 2.51%
meeting 1.71%
talk 1.59%
operation 1.49%
strike 1.45%
session 1.25%
season 1.19%
marriage 1.00%
effect 0.98%
time 0.80%
trial + v. >>共 459
be 27.85%
begin 12.62%
take 4.35%
resume 3.98%
continue 3.42%
end 3.37%
open 3.09%
start 2.40%
last 2.14%
go 2.09%
每页显示:    共 125