81.   Unlike the major airlines, AirTran benefits from a slowing economy as corporate travel departments tighten budgets and turn to low-fare carriers to cut travel expenses.

82.   Under SmartPay, government employees and military personnel are issued government credit cards that are to be used only for official travel expenses.

83.   Valentine waived fees, other than travel expenses, for the pilot, but would be paid for the program.

84.   Watanabe and other officials declined to say what proportion of travel expenses Nagano would pay on the ground that this issue is now being negotiated.

85.   What they really mean is fewer travel expenses for the owners, and better advertising rates from TV sponsors.

86.   When profits decline at a retail brokerage firm, managers can respond quickly by slashing benefits, like travel expenses, or by firing poor producers, said Benedetto.

87.   While air fares are usually the biggest single travel expense, other costs add up.

88.   Who paid their travel expenses?

89.   With travel expenses at as many as three venues, would fans be willing to follow their teams for three playoff games?

90.   Yes, there would be no lucrative business write-offs for interest payments, corporate investments, operating costs, depreciation, travel expenses, convention parties and whatnot.

n. + expense >>共 279
travel 10.30%
interest 8.43%
business 7.76%
taxpayer 4.55%
government 4.18%
college 3.58%
funeral 3.13%
education 2.69%
company 1.87%
capital 1.57%
travel + n. >>共 658
document 7.26%
restriction 5.89%
ban 5.19%
plan 5.09%
time 2.98%
industry 2.77%
company 2.46%
expense 2.40%
arrangement 1.81%
warning 1.67%
每页显示:    共 137