81.   A signal that should have told the conductor of the freight train that the coal train was ahead on the tracks was damaged, he said.

82.   Airports and roads were generally open, trains were nearly back on schedule and cleanup efforts were progressing on many fronts.

83.   After years of running half-empty, the train is full again and runs safely for months at a time.

84.   Alstom and its partner, Bombardier Inc. of Montreal, said the trains would be ready for delivery in the spring.

85.   Britons look with envy at countries on the Continent where trains are more modern and less expensive and wonder why they cannot have the same level of service.

86.   But after three re-edits, Union Pacific felt that its train was still recognizable.

87.   But because the trains were so full, trains were held up for three or more minutes, throwing off the entire schedule.

88.   But city residents rebuilding the station are toiling without pay in the hope that the train will be an economic lifeline for their city.

89.   But despite mounting evidence to the contrary, rail companies say their trains are safe.

90.   But sometimes you forget that the train is perfectly capable of destroying you both.

n. + be >>共 1635
problem 0.82%
people 0.79%
company 0.71%
result 0.67%
thing 0.63%
report 0.57%
question 0.56%
official 0.55%
time 0.53%
issue 0.48%
train 0.04%
train + v. >>共 379
be 16.05%
run 7.29%
stop 4.15%
derail 3.83%
travel 3.03%
leave 2.79%
have 2.68%
pull 2.54%
come 2.45%
go 2.45%
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